Somewhere in Europe, at the end of a twentieth century a little more ragged than ours... Called in on a routine investigation into the disappearance of an actor, Sam Follow is drawn ever deeper into a vast web of manipulation: Mo's studios.
Director (1)
Actors (15)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : Les Films de l'Ecluse
- Co-productions : M6 Films, Lumière International
- Foreign production companies : Asp, Société Financière de Participation Filmographique (SFPC)
- French distribution : AFMD
Full credits (10)
- Executive Producers : Yves Gasser, André Szöts
- Screenwriter : Yves-Noël François
- Director of Photography : Carlo Varini
- Music Composer : Stephan Eicher
- Editor : Françoise Berger-Garnault
- Sound Recordist : Jean Umansky
- Costume designer : Marina Zuliani
- Line Producer : Daniel Messere
- Press Attaché (film) : Bruno Barde
- Production Designer : Nikos Metelopoulos
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production language : French
- Coproducer countries : France, Switzerland, Hungary
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
Box-office & releases
TV broadcasting
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"Mo" is not in the realm of science-fiction. The world of "Mo" is barely out of synch with our own. A world which, somewhere along the line, skidded and slid into immobility and decadence. It gives off an atmosphere of strange familiarity, where things fictive could very easily be true. The sets are devoid of exoticism. One gets the feeling that here nothing has happened for years except the wear and tear of time. This world is not fired with that tension that characterizes big American cities. The world of "Mo" is no longer there, as if too much tension had blunted it to worry, like a faded firecracker waiting for its match. Mo' is not Big Brother. The cops -no more than Mo's henchmen- bear no resemblance to the black phalanxes of "Brazil". They're somewhat clumsy, somewhat pitiful, lacking in conviction. Mo' only has power because in her world (as in ours) the appearance of reality is confused, the appearance of appearance."
(Yves Gasser - Producer)