The French feature-length documentary project Shaina 13 to 15 by director Tamara Erde, produced by Enrica Capra (Tag Film) (both pictured), won the fifth Unifrance Doc Award in partnership with TitraFilm, presented yesterday at DOK Leipzig.
The award comprises subtitling funding and membership in the Unifrance feature film producers' college for the production company.
Previous Unifrance Doc Award recipients:
- A Dog's Life by Diane Sara Bouzgarrou and Thomas Jenkoe (awarded at Visions du Réel 2022)
- Under the Dance Floor by Sara Timar (awarded at DOK Leipzig 2022)
- Cuba&Alaska by Yegor Troyanovsky (awarded at CPH:DOX 2023)
- Gabin by Maxence Voiseux (awarded at Visions du Réel 2023)
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