The year is 1943 and the place is Balandou, a small village in Guinea. The plot revolves around Adjutant Mariani, some kind of a misfit. Despised by his superiors, hated by his wife Marie-France, he represents colonial France while dreaming of Africa and its mysteries. When pro-independence Lanseye Kante, the new manager of the school, arrives in the village, turmoil arises.
Director (1)
Actors (12)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producers : UTA, Epithète Films
- Foreign production company : Office National du Cinéma Guinéen (ONACIG)
- French distribution : Pierre Grise Distribution
Full credits (15)
- Executive Producers : Gilles Legrand, Frédéric Brillion
- Adaptation : Guy Zilberstein
- Screenwriter : Cheik Doukouré
- Director of Photography : Patrick Blossier
- Music Composer : Marc Beacco
- Assistant Director : David Carayon
- Editor : Luc Barnier
- Sound Recordist : Jean-Marcel Milan
- Sound Assistant : Denis Guilhem
- Assistant Operators : Benoît Chamaillard, Nathalie Durand
- Production Manager : Rodolphe Pélicier
- Sound editors : Jean-Paul Darras, Gabriel Pastel
- Assistant editors : Mathilde Cousin, Emmanuel Dehais, Marie Lecoeur, Anne Manigand
- Continuity supervisor : Aruna Villiers
- Production Designer : Yan Arlaud
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Production language : French
- Production country : France (100.0%)
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 1991
- French release : 15/01/1992
- Runtime : 1 h 30 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 75041
- Visa issue date : 15/11/1991
- Approval : Unknown
- Color type : Color
Box-office & releases
TV broadcasting
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