On a Japanese island, life revolves around the changing seasons. Winter is time for ice hockey at school, but Takuya isn't too thrilled about it. His real interest lies in Sakura, a figure skating rising star from Tokyo, for whom he starts to develop a genuine fascination. Coach and former champion Arakawa, spots potential in Takuya, and decides to mentor him to form a duo with Sakura for an upcoming competition. As winter persists, feelings grow, and the two children form an harmonious bond. But even the first snow eventually melts away.
Director (1)
Actors (3)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producers : Tokyo Theatres Co., Ltd, Asahi Shimbun
- Co-production : Comme des Cinémas
- Film exports/foreign sales : Charades
- French distribution : Art House Films
Full credits (7)
- Screenwriter : Hiroshi Okuyama
- Director of Photography : Hiroki Nishigaya
- Music Composer : Ryosei Sato
- Editors : Tina Baz, Hiroshi Okuyama
- Sound Recordist : Kosuke Yanagita
- Co-producers : Masa Sawada, Anne Pernod-Sawada
- Production Designer : Norifumi Ataka
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production language : Japanese
- Coproducer countries : Japan, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 2024
- French release : 25/12/2024
- Runtime : 1 h 30 min
- Current status : Upcoming release
- Approval :
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : 1.85
- Audio format : 5.1
News & awards
News (4)
Selections (9)
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