Christian, 50 years old, is having a nervous breakdown. Following the advice of his shrink, Maria Bodin, his 87-year-old mother, decides to take her son to Thailand! Mother and son fly away, for the first time, more than 10,000 kilometers from their native land. Hotel, tourists, white sand beaches and exotic massages: they were not ready for this! For better and certainly for worse, the Bodins embark on an incredible adventure across the whole country...
Director (1)
Actors (4)
Production and distribution (3)
Full credits (11)
- Screenwriters : Vincent Dubois, Jean-Christian Fraiscinet, Éric Le Roch, Frédéric Forestier
- Director of Photography : Stéphane Le Parc
- Music Composer : Freaks
- Assistant directors : Andréas Meszaros, Christophe Vassort
- Editor : Sandro Lavezzi
- Sound recordists : Hugo Deguillard, Jerome Wiziack, Thomas Wargny Drieghe, Marc Doisne
- Costume designer : Sandrine Bernard
- Production Manager : Yvon Crenn
- Press Attachés (film) : Leslie Ricci, Audrey Le Pennec
- Continuity supervisor : Estelle Bault
- Casting : Hervé Jakubowicz
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Production language : French
- Production country : France (100.0%)
- Original French-language productions : Yes
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