Rampant debts and a significant midlife crisis send philosopher Edmund Burke (Antony Langdon) fleeing from London to embark on an expedition through the French Alps. He brings along a servant on loan from his brother's plantation in the West Indies, a young indigenous woman named Awak (Nathalia Acevedo) Together they set out to discover the sublime in this eighteenth-century road movie. Ill-equipped for the outdoor life, Burke whinges the days away while Awak carries all their supplies and makes sure his face is perpetually powdered. Will Burke find a fitting subject for his philosophical inquiry in the immensity of Mother Nature's beauty ? Or will the natural world become his master in the end?
Director (1)
Actors (2)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : La Fabrica Nocturna Cinéma
- Foreign production companies : Polynia Pictures, Adomeit Film
- Film exports/foreign sales : La Fabrica Nocturna Cinéma
Full credits (3)
- Executive Producers : Marina Perales Marhuenda, Xavier Rocher
- Editor : Alexandra Strauss
- Foreign producers : Illum Jacobi, Katia Adomeit
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Coproducer countries : Denmark, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 2020
- French release :
- Runtime : 1 h 35 min
- Current status :
- Approval :
- Color type : Color