In this wartime comedy, Gregoire (Jean Lefebvre), an irrepressible tale-spouting French postman, is unable to convince his fellow villagers that he blew up a nearby bridge, thus slowing a German troop movement. Perhaps he actually did it. When a military "accident" leads the Germans into the village seeking the culprit and reprisals, the postman volunteers that he is the guilty party, but even now he is not believed -- even by the Germans. At long last, the Americans arrive, and they are willing to let him look good in front of his countrymen; they make it look as though he captured a whole group of Germans single-handedly. At last, he has his day of glory.
Director (1)
Actors (11)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : PromoCinéma
- Foreign production company : Tele Cine Filmproduktion
- Film exports/foreign sales : StudioCanal Films Limited
- French distribution : NPF Planfilm
Full credits (12)
- Executive Producer : Jacques-Henri Marin
- Adaptation : Jacques-Henri Marin, Richard Balducci, Jacques Besnard
- Screenwriter : Jacques-Henri Marin
- Director of Photography : Marcel Grignon
- Music Composers : Darry Cowl, Jean-Michel Defaye
- Editor : Gilbert Natot
- Sound Recordist : Max Olivier
- Foreign Producer : Artur Brauner
- Co-producers : Jacques Bézard, Adolphe Viezzi
- Production Manager : Jean-Pierre Desagnat
- Production Designer : Pierre Cadiou
- Location Manager : François Menny
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Comedy
- Themes : War
- Production language : French
- Coproducer countries : France, Germany
Box-office & releases
TV broadcasting
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