About him, we know very little. He’s a taxidermist, honest and simple. And yet, this man can’t refrain from imagining robberies as perfect as they are spectacular. Each event of everyday life is an opportunity for him to concoct schemes that are so ingenious that they’ll inevitably be crowned with success. A combination of circumstances provides him with the opportunity to live what he’d only dreamed of until then. By chance, he finds himself involved in a magnificent heist, a unique opportunity: a casino funds’ transfer, one of the biggest of its kind. Our man plunges into a reality he’d never imagined, and is caught up in a robbery where he’ll need to understand all without being able to control a thing. Everything that he thought he knew is blown to smithereens. He discovers his limits, the importance of the human factor, without ever knowing whether he’ll remain aware long enough to be able to act at the right moment.
Director (1)
Actors (9)
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producer : Davis Films
- Foreign production companies : Tornasol Films, Patagonik Film Group
- Film exports/foreign sales : Celluloid Dreams
- French distribution : Metropolitan Filmexport
Full credits (11)
- Executive Producer : Samuel Hadida
- Screenwriter : Fabian Bielinsky
- Director of Photography : Checo Varese
- Music Composer : Lucio Godoy
- Assistant Director : Federico Beron
- Editors : Alejandro Carrillo Penovi, Fernando Pardo
- Sound Recordist : Jose Luis Diaz Ouzande
- Costume designer : Marisa Urruti
- Foreign producers : Pablo Bossi, Gerardo Herrero
- Press Attaché (film) : François Hassan Guerrar
- Production Designer : Mercedes Alfonsin
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Thriller, Crime/thriller
- Production language : Spanish
- Coproducer countries : France, Spain, Argentina
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified