The film by Berni Goldblat, produced by bathysphere, has picked up this year's prestigious EFA Young Audience Award, which is chosen by teenage film enthusiasts from 34 countries across Europe.
2,000 young spectators aged between 12 and 14 elected their winner following a screening of the three nominated films in 43 European cities on May 6: the film that drew the largest number of votes was Wallay, the story of the journey made by 13-year-old Ady to Burkina Faso, the country of his roots. The Awards ceremony was held in Erfurt, Germany, and was transmitted online as a live stream. It remains available for viewing on the website The ceremony could be described as a "junior" cinema-themed version of Eurovision.
This award won by a French film follows in the path of Miss Impossible by Émilie Deleuze, which was honored with the same prize two years ago.