This full-length documentary deals with the life, career and trial of Nazi SS officer Klaus Barbie, known as the Butcher of Lyons. Virtually all aspects of his life are covered. His childhood and schooling in Germany; his early military career; his role in the head of intelligence in Lyons; his post-war employment by the US military; his life in Bolivia; his return to Europe; his trial and conviction. Interviewed are friends, enemies, associates, heroes and traitors.
Source : IMDb
Director (1)
Production and distribution (2)
- Executive Producers : Memory Pictures, Samuel Goldwyn Films
- French distribution : Fox France
Full credits (9)
- Directors of Photography : Pierre Boffety, Lionel Legros
- Editors : Albert Jurgenson, Catherine Zins
- Sound recordists : Bernard Bats, Alain Champelovier, Yves Zlotnicka, Philippe Mouisset
- Producer : Marcel Ophüls
- Associate Producer : Bernard Farrel
- Assistant Operators : Béatrice Mizrahi, Laurent Machuel, Olivier Durand
- Production Manager : Bernard Farrel
- Narrator : Jeanne Moreau
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Documentary
- Themes : War
- Production language : English, French
- Coproducer countries : United States, Germany, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : Minority French (United States, Germany, France)
- Production year : 1988
- French release : 29/08/1988
- Runtime : 4 h 27 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 68207
- Visa issue date : 04/08/1988
- Approval :
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : 1.33
- Audio format : Mono