This cinematic adaptation is by Daniel Moosmann, and it remains faithful to Marivaux' elegant wit and sensibilities. The simple story focuses around the desire of Dorante (Jean-Pierre Bouvier) to win over the heart and subsequently, the fortune of the wealthy, young, and beautiful Araminte (Brigitte Fossey). To better forward his amorous goal, Dorante enlists the aid of Araminte's valet -- the man who conveys both true and false "confidences" to the unsuspecting young woman. It is the combination of truth and falsehoods, and the young Dorante's desire for both the woman and her wealth, that set up entertainingly ambiguous situations, typical of Marivaux comedies. Thrown into the plot is a domineering mother (Micheline Presle) who has plans for Araminte to marry a well-established Count.
Source :
Director (1)
Actors (8)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Gerland Productions
- Film exports/foreign sales : Gerland Productions, StudioCanal Films Limited
- French distribution : Les Films Epoc
Full credits (10)
- Adaptation : Gérard Landry, Daniel Moosmann
- Director of Photography : Étienne Becker
- Music Composer : Jean Musy
- Editors : Anna Ruiz, Christian Allanic
- Author of original work : Marivaux
- Assistant Operator : François Hernandez
- Camera Operator : Arthur Cloquet
- Production Manager : Jacques Schaeffer
- Production Designer : Michel De Broin
- Sound Mixer : Gérard Lamps
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Literary adaptation
- Production language : French
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : 100% French
- Production year : 1984
- French release : 03/10/1984
- Runtime : 1 h 50 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 58.524
- Visa issue date : 13/09/1984
- Approval : Unknown
- Production formats : 35mm
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : 1.66