Summer 1944. 19-year-old Racine is a first-aid worker. He's in love with Isabelle and would like their relationship to become physical, but she holds back. One evening, a member of the Resistance accosts him. A colleague has been hurt and needs medical care. Racine accompanies the man, thinking that he'll only be away a few days. He discovers life in the isolated mountain camp and encounters fifteen lads, including Hangman, Comb, Flea, String, Zozo, Lebel, who have gone underground. They seem to be living in a different era. However, war catches up with them and Racine finds himself caught in the crossfire.
Director (1)
Actors (16)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Cinéma Defacto
- Film exports/foreign sales : Playtime
- French distribution : Shellac
Full credits (13)
- Executive Producer : Tom Dercourt
- Screenwriter : Romain Cogitore
- Director of Photography : Thomas Ozoux
- Music Composer : Mathieu Lamboley
- Assistant director : Gabrielle Schaff
- Editor : Nathalie Langlade
- Sound recordists : Olivier Dandré, Manuel Vidal, Benjamin Viau
- Costume designer : David Faivre
- Executive Producer : Sophie Erbs
- Production Manager : Martin Beilby
- Press Attaché (film) : Marie Queysanne
- Continuity supervisor : Karinne Lecoq
- Production Designer : David Faivre
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified