Belgrade, April 1999. Because of the embargo imposed by OTAN, the Serbian capital has been isolated from the rest of the world. American surveillance planes continually circle overhead. Lubi is one of the kings of the black market: he constantly rails against his government, the Americans, his neighbor’s dog, and even his sister. In normal times, he’d be considered mad… but what does normality mean these days in Belgrade?
Lubi lives with his mother, his sister Dusha, and her daughter in the ruins of a house whose interior strongly resembles army headquarters. On the roof, Dusha has painted an enormous red heart upon which she poses in her bikini for the American pilots, hoping that they’ll spot her and carry her off to live in the States.
Lubi, driven crazy by her behaviour, tries to shoot an AWACS Boeing from the sky with a smuggled Stinger missile. He believes he’s succeeded, what’s more, when a parachutist crash-lands on his roof. Dusha instantly falls in love with this man who she ...
Director (1)
Actors (6)
Production and distribution (2)
- Executive Producer : MACT Productions
- French distribution : Equation
Full credits (8)
- Executive Producer : Antoine De Clermont-Tonnerre
- Director of Photography : Piotr Kukla
- Music Composer : Zoran Simjanovic
- Editor : Petar Putnikovic
- Sound Recordist : Bertrand Come
- Costume designer : Boris Caksiran
- Press Attaché (film) : Vanessa Jerrom
- Production Designer : Aleksandar Denic
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production language : English, Serbian
- Coproducer countries : France, Germany, The Netherlands, Serbia
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : Minority French (France, Germany, The Netherlands, Serbia)