I saw this happen : Raye left home. Why ? To see what was waiting for her out there. Europe ! It didn't matter where she went, the Mediterranean coast, Strasbourg, Zurich, Berlin, she's young. Then her father, Abel, left. Perhaps he wanted something else to happen to him. Things began to happen on the ship, but Odessa is where it really began. So Nellie was left there alone. Maybe she couldn't have said it, but that's what she needed. I mean, to be alone with herself. That's why she sent Raye and Abel away. So without moving, with everything around her moving very fast and also in the microscope which is her work, Nellie had her own trip to make. As for this kind of travelling, that's what each of us did. I know, I was there.
Director (1)
Actors (8)
Production and distribution (3)
- Executive Producer : Avventura Films
- Foreign production companies : Vega Film, RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse, Paradise Films
- French distribution : Les Films du Paradoxe
Full credits (13)
- Executive Producer : Ruth Waldburger
- Screenwriter : Robert Kramer
- Directors of Photography : Richard Copans, Katell Djian, Blaise Bauquis
- Music Composer : Barre Phillips
- Editors : Christine Benoît, Béatrice Wick, Keja Ho Kramer, Robert Kramer
- Sound recordists : Olivier Schwob, Bernard Seidler
- Costume designers : Sylvie Goitrelet, Linda Guegan
- Foreign producer : Ruth Waldburger
- Line Producer : Pierre-Alain Schatzmann
- Production Manager : Simon Zaleski
- Press Attaché (film) : Matilde Incerti
- Production Designer : Stéphane Lévy
- Still Photographers : Keja Ho Kramer, Simon Zaleski, Marianne Müller, Sabine Ohle
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Production language : French
- Coproducer countries : France, Switzerland, Belgium
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
Box-office & releases
TV broadcasting
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News & awards
Selections (3)
Berlin - Youth Film Forum
Germany, 1996
Feature Film Forum
"(...) With Kramer, the walker-poet, don't expect any marked out trails. Nice views, but no signposts. A slow drifting, the story of an unavoidable splintering where private history (his, no doubt) mingles with collective history. Where faces and landscapes keep their mystery too. "Walk the Walk" is a demanding, irksome movie which plays on a sensitive nerve that becomes a tightrope. You go along with him or you don't. To those who do, Kramer promises no sociological investigation, no Big Subject, but it is not hard to be won over by his beguiling, melancholic way of roaming over this constantly moving old world with an eye that will never, whatever the price, sell out."
(François Gorin - Télérama)