The Rendez-Vous with French Cinema Film Market has stamped itself as a key event on the industry calendar...
With 436 accredited participating companies, the Unifrance Rendez-Vous in Paris Film Market is one of the world's most important international events of its type, and is the largest film market focusing on a single national film industry. This year, 51 countries were represented at the event. 74 screenings, including 41 new titles, were presented over the four-day event held at the Gaumont Opéra Cinemas. The average attendance rate per screening (excluding digital screenings held in a smaller theater) was the highest ever registered for this event since its inception: 40 spectators.
The Rendez-Vous with French Cinema Film Market has stamped itself as a key event on the industry calendar for the 37 French film export companies and the numerous international distributors present at the event.