The Holy Week, around 1900, somewhere in Romania. The tense relationship between the Jewish innkeeper Leiba and Gheorghe, his Christian employee, reaches the point where the innkeeper decides to expel the latter. Revengeful, Gheorghe promises Leiba that he will return on Easter Night to “settle” his accounts. This threat comes as a last straw against Leiba’s attempts to cohabit with his hostile, anti-Semitic environment.
From then on, Leiba will struggle distinguishing between the real danger and the one fabricated by his anxieties, engaging onto a path of transformation leading to extreme consequences.
Director (1)
Actors (4)
Production and distribution (4)
- Co-production : Shellac
- Foreign production company : Mandragora
- Film exports/foreign sales : Shellac
- French distribution : Shellac
Full credits (9)
- Screenwriter : Andrei Cohn
- Director of Photography : Andrei Butica
- Editors : Dana Bunescu, Andrei Iancu
- Costume designer : Viorica Petrovici
- Foreign producer : Anca Puiu
- Author of original work : Ion Luca Caragiale
- Co-producer : Thomas Ordonneau
- Press Attaché (film) : Michel Burstein
- Production Designer : Christian Niculescu
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production language : Romanian
- Coproducer countries : Romania, France, Turkey
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 2023