AJ, a shy teenager, meets Kristen while in high school in Los Angeles. Kristen is passionate about surfing... and she’s the most beautiful person he’s ever met. He falls madly in love with her. As life seems to finally come together for AJ, Kristen’s life starts falling apart, shattered by illness. Together, they will fight adversity with dignity and enjoy their now-shared passion for surfing and for the ocean, but also their loyal band of friends... even when they know Kristen is doomed. This is what happens when love and friendship become a wave stronger than anything.
Director (1)
Production and distribution (2)
- Executive Producer : Silex Films
- Film exports/foreign sales : Charades
Full credits (2)
- Adaptation : Fanny Burdino, Samuel Doux
- Screenwriters : Fanny Burdino, Samuel Doux
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Animated film
- Sub-genre : Animated film, 2D & 3D animation
- Themes : Love, Friendship, Illness
- Production language : French
- Coproducer countries : France (89.98%), Belgium (10.02%)
- Original French-language productions : Yes
- Nationality : Majority French (France, Belgium)
- Production year : 2024
- French release :
- Runtime : 1 h 30 min
- Current status :
- Visa number : 156.050
- Approval : Yes