The story of a legendary director named J.J. "Jake" Hannaford, who returns to Hollywood from years of semi-exile in Europe with plans to complete work on his own innovative comeback movie-also entitled The Other Side of the Wind...
Director (1)
Actors (9)
Production and distribution (2)
- Co-production : Les Films de l'Astrophore
- Foreign production company : Royal Road Entertainment
Full credits (4)
- Screenwriters : Orson Welles, Oja Kodar
- Director of Photography : Gary Graver
- Music Composer : Michel Legrand
- Editor : Orson Welles
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Production language : English, German
- Coproducer countries : Great Britain, France, Iran
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 1976
- French release :
- Runtime : 2 h 2 min
- Current status :
- Approval :
- Production formats : 35mm
- Color type : Black & White
- Aspect ratio : 1.37