A Hungarian girl named Ilona arrives to Barcelona with the intention of finding Walter, an acquaintance who has become a sought circus artist specialized in target shooting with a revolver and who hopelessly falls in love with her. But having known Rudolf, another young artist, Ilona feels attracted to him, causing a pang of morbid jealousy in Walter.
Director (1)
Actors (6)
Production and distribution (3)
- Co-production : Djinn Films
- Foreign production company : Este Films
- French distribution : Compagnie Commerciale Française Cinématographique (CCFC)
Full credits (6)
- Screenwriter : Manuel María Saló
- Director of Photography : Mario Pacheco
- Music Composer : José Solá
- Assistant Director : Fabien Collin
- Editor : María Rosa Ester
- Foreign producers : Germán Lorente, Pedro Masó
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Themes : Circus
- Coproducer countries : Spain, France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Production year : 1961
- French release : 18/07/1962
- Runtime : 1 h 30 min
- Current status : Released
- Visa number : 24188
- Visa issue date : 22/08/1961
- Approval : Unknown
- Production formats : 35mm
- Color type : Black & White
- Audio format : Mono