It all starts with a choreography of the lights of Paris by night. Then it becomes a promenade in a café where Jesus becomes the hero of a story set two thousand years ago in the neighborhood…
Next up is a little Guadeloupian girl who, proud and daring, claims her heritage, while a young man of mixed race pursues a white woman, sharing the ambiguity of his thoughts with us. This is followed by a poem that frees up the memories of a Cambodian couple, while their little daughter plays in a Parisian playground.
Then two Mauritanian brothers try to rediscover the ways and customs of their native country. Night falls on a boulevard on the Parisian outskirts where a young Malian man crosses the paths of various women. But what are these women, singing and dancing in a market street, dissecting the combinations that can arise from love affairs between mixed races, after? Night floods the screen again, and a Parisian crossroads becomes the stage for a bitter confrontation between a young, gay black guy and an elderly African lady tramp. Then a Senegalese man tells us his story, without words, but with music. Then the instinctive anger of the young Cambodian toward his best friend, who is from Mali and wants to marry the Cambodian’s young sister, gives way to a lesson in love offered by a young mixed-race couple reliving their first meeting with passion.
Victor Hugo reunites a French woman and a North African man who are searching for their final resting place in Père-Lachaise cemetery. Then a little Iranian girl tries to learn French with the help of her father and Hugo’s “Les Misérables.”
It’s now a new morning: a ticket seller in a Parisian railway station learns to deal with his origins and accept his mixed cultural heritage while watching people from all around the world flow through the station.
Directors (14)
Production and distribution (1)
- Executive Producer : Ekla Production
Full credits (6)
- Directors of Photography : Pascal Lagriffoul, Nathaniel Aron, Georges Diane, Guillaume Le Grontec, Thomas Faverjon, Olivier Dessalles, Rémi Mazet, François Kuhnel, Hadrien Ricole, Joachim Villain, Julien Bossé, Sofian El Fani
- Editor : Virginie Lefebvre
- Sound recordists : François Guillaume, Emmanuelle Villard, Camille Limousin, Laurent Benaïm, Guillaume Valeix, Mathieu Leroy
- Sound editors : Violeta Fernandez, Mathieu Leroy, Jean-Baptiste Aubonnet
- Compositor : Pascal Bricard
- Sound Mixer : Thomas Chatel
Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Fiction
- Sub-genre : Drama
- Themes : Identity, Immigration
- Production language : French, Creole, Mauritian, Persian
- Production country : France (100.0%)
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : 100% French (France)
- Production year : 2005
- French release :
- Runtime : 1 h 26 min
- Current status :
- Visa number : 114.499
- Visa issue date : 16/06/2006
- Approval : Unknown
- Production formats : Super 16
- Color type : Color
- Aspect ratio : 1.66