Poet, man of the stage, actor, Antonin Artaud (1896-1948) is the author of a body of work of great dimension, including "The theatre and Its Double", "L'ombilic des Limbes", "Le Pèse-Nerfs", "The Voyage of the Tarahumaras", "Van Gogh the Suicide of societé","Artaud le Momo". In May of 1946, a small group of followers managed to get him out of the asylum of Roez where he had been interned as a matter of course for 9 years as the result of an incident still unexplained. So in the end Artaud returned to Paris and displayed an extraordinary range of creative activity until his death. Nearly fifty years later, the dead poet society, and Artaud's regular visitors, his loves, his closest friends bring back to life this exceptional being, this poet of genius who so shook up their own lives.
Production and distribution (4)
- Executive Producers : Laura Productions, Les Films d'Ici
- Co-productions : Arcanal, Centre Pompidou
- Film exports/foreign sales : Lagardère Studios
- French distribution : Lagardère Studios
Full credits (9)
- Director of Photography : François Catonné
- Music Composer : Jean-Claude Petit
- Editor : Sophie Rouffio
- Sound Recordist : Pierre Lorrain
- Costume designer : Caroline De Vivaise
- Production managers : Martine Durand, Hélène Ducret
- Press Attaché (film) : Marie-Christine Damiens
- Production Designer : Jean-Pierre Clech
- Still Photographers : Denise Colomb, Georges Pastier
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Technical details
- Type : Feature film
- Genres : Documentary
- Production language : French
- Production country : France
- Original French-language productions : Unspecified
- Nationality : 100% French (France)