Anne and Erik Lapied are first and foremost documentary directors. They have made numerous films about high altitude fauna which have won prizes at many film festivals. These include "Le Grand Retour" in 1989, produced in collaboration with the Parc National de la Vanoise (winner of the Culture Ministry Prize at Antibes and the Diable d'Or for "protecting the mountain environment" at Diablerets), "L'Ile blanche" in 1991 (Fauna Prize at the Festival Mondial de l'Image de Montagne at Antibes and the Grand Prix at the Diablerets Festival), "Les Seigneurs de l'hiver" (1996) and "Les Marmottes du Grand Rocher" (1996), in co-production with Léo Productions. After making three films about mountain populations – "Le Couloir du foin" (1993), "Le Pré des danses" (1993) and "La Saison des Alpages" (1994) – they worked for several months in Ethiopia on two films by Jean-Yves Collet. For "La Nuit des Hyènes" they worked as co-directors, and for "La Louve d'Abyssinie," as cinematographer and sound r...
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