Company presentation
Classified as a historic monument, the Moulin d’Andé (the Mill at Andé) is thought to have been built at the end of the XIIth century. Since 1962, it has played host as a Cultural Association with an artistic and especially musical vocation.
It provides accommodation for musicians, writers, filmmakers, those in the plastic arts and actors who find the surroundings ideal for writing, rehearsing, recording, creating and group activities.
A work in progress for many years, the Moulin d’Andé today has the capacity and infrastructure to welcome larger groups : training courses, professional meetings, company seminars, research groups, etc. It provides ideal and friendly conditions for all those who need to work as a group in a location particularly adapted to intellectual work, either for study days or residential stays.
Since 1998, the Moulin d’Andé has developed an ongoing programme of support for film writing : CÉCI – the Centre for Film Writing. More than ever, CÉCI wants to dedicate itself to helping a range of authors develop, guaranteeing the freedom of artists and actively supporting those in greatest need.
It’s also a place which groups of French and foreign tourists can discover as part of a cultural stay in Normandy. Their visits can be enriched by enjoying lunch and dinner at the Moulin and attending a concert included in the ongoing musical programme. Or we can organise one especially for them.
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